Enhance the
Driving Experience
with AuraPura
AuraPura is a scent delivery system that attaches to the vehicle’s cabin air filter to provide a pleasant, long-lasting aroma on every drive.
Not Your Typical
Car Air Freshener
Unlike traditional car air fresheners that start too strong, fade too quickly and can be physically or visually distracting, AuraPura delivers a subtle, consistent scent throughout the vehicle for up to 90 days. And it’s installed out of sight.
Whether you run an auto shop, a dealership, a car detailer or a rental center, you can use AuraPura to make a lasting impression on your customers, encourage repeat visits and increase sales.
Business Solutions
Statistics show that customers are likely to be happier driving a pleasant-smelling vehicle. And since the part of the brain that processes scent is next to the part that processes memory, people are likely to remember their encounter with your business when they smell the AuraPura aroma.
A regular reminder of a happy experience reinforces the customer’s positive interaction with your brand, encouraging return visits.
How AuraPura
AuraPura attaches to the vehicle’s cabin air filter and is activated when the heat or air conditioning is turned on.
As the fan pulls air from outdoors, that air passes through the cabin filter and the AuraPura device, carrying the aroma throughout the vehicle.